Prayer as Infinite Creation


The more one rubs against the divine energy, the more the veil of the heart is removed. When this energy accumulates, the veil is completely lifted, the deep heart opens and the mind of man finds the place wherein its awesome presentation is performed. The visible world retreats, and the higher spiritual world becomes a tangible reality. The mind ceases to reason and becomes still in extreme attention. The heart is filled with a life-giving reverential fear. The breath contracts and God becomes ‘all in all’.

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All that unfolds in the world testifies to its falsehood; it shows the absence of God, but also the hell in this absence. Each person must judge and choose. If a man has a little spiritual wisdom, he will turn to God in a frenzy, without knowing rest. And perhaps through this uprush of desire for the Lord, he will even overtake those who for years have sluggishly trodden the path that leads to Him. Only this madness of love for God can overcome the world that has already gone astray and heal man from paralysis and the pestilence of despondency.

Weight 0.544 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 15.7 × 2.3 cm

Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou



Book cover

Hardback Clothbound with Dust Jacket, Paperback




Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist


1st edition

Publication year

Reprinted 2024



What Readers Say

10 reviews
100% average rating

  1. Emorfia Ryan (verified owner)

    Spiritually edifying books.

    The book – Prayer As Infinite Creation is for all who yearn a better understanding of how we work in synergy with God through prayer – His gift to His creation.

    Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou narrative is a beautiful and comprehensive.
    Pages 18 – 19 of the book outline this mystical spiritual union and transformation between God, our creator and His creation.

    The blurb on the back of the book is very succinct in expressing the key components of this life giving transformation.

    ” The more one rubs against the divine energy, the more the veil of the heart is removed. When this energy accumulates, the veil is completely lifted, the deep heart opens and the mind of man finds the place wherein its awesome presentation is performed. The visible world retreats, and the higher spiritual world becomes a tangible reality. The mind ceases to reason and becomes still in extreme attention. The heart is filled with a life-giving reverential fear. The breath contracts and God becomes ‘all in all’.

    I am reminded of psalm 46, verse10

    ” Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

  2. Costa Neokleous (verified owner)

    This book is the ultimate in prayer- an eye opener for all Orthodox Christians! We had it for our spiritual book club – we planned for 3 sessions but landed up reading it for 6 sessions! A book full of God’s wisdom to put into daily life! Bless Arch Zacharias!

  3. John Alahouzos (verified owner)

    I thank Father Nephon for introducing me to “Prayer as Infinite Creation.” A great blessing. I have been enlightened and inspired by each page.

  4. Max (verified owner)

    One of the best books I have read

  5. Erin Maria (verified owner)

    ‘Prayer as Infinite Creation’ is a beautiful treatise on living life as a continual prayer. Prayer leads one to the innermost chambers of the soul to stand achingly before God, dying daily, indeed hourly, for love of God. It is the crucible of salvation, the glowing charcoal in the depths of the heart, and the longing to give all for all. The beauty and depth of the theology of Saint Silouan as distilled by Saint Sophrony and accessibly rendered by Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou could never be overstated. Each succeeding generation brings forth a more generous truth for all who wish to draw near. May God bless us to drink deeply of these words and learn to live them fully in our daily conscious striving to know Him, for prayer that bears fruit can not be a part time effort, but a way of life and constant state of being.

  6. Tony Antoniou (verified owner)

    Excellent, well written and extremely spiritually inspirational the sort of book that you can read again and again

  7. Anna Sen

    I haven’t read the book yet ! But the above reviews excite me …. to buy and read . 5 stars for the reviews guys!!

  8. Anna Sen (verified owner)

    I am reading the book now.
    It is awesome!
    It touches the deepest part of me …. and as I read every page I see depths of being that are so inspiring.
    While I’m doing housework …. I snatch pockets of time and read it ….. it’s a magnet!!
    I don’t know how to express it; I simply LOVE it !
    Thank you .
    Bless you all!

  9. Nicholas Menicou (verified owner)

    Excellent book , a very edifying and spiritual book. Thank you very much Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou for such a special book. May God always inspire you to guide us.

  10. Gaby (verified owner)

    Father Zacharias’s book is a wonderful door opening the understanding of prayer in the teachings of Saints Silouan and Sophrony. This book is a great balm for an aching heart. It gives hope that the Lord can heal the passions and cleanse the heart, even when this seems impossible, because nothing is impossible with God’s help. Thank you for this wonderful book!

    “Prayer comes with praying. A door of great prayer will be opened to each person who prepares for it in prayer…Unceasing prayer is a necessary condition for man not to sin, for him to be able to love God and his neighbour, for him to be invested with the unassailable strength of humility and for him to be able to stand steadfast before God.” (pages 50-51)

    “The agonising battle lasts as long as man wrestles with sins and passions. But when it is God’s goodwill to cleanse him and heal his infirmity, the wound in his chest is transformed into a luminous charismatic inner sensitivity… The eyes of his heart are now clear and turned to his fellows… He desires and prays for every man to acquire the good portion which he now has received.” (page 126)

    “The more the Christian is filled with humility and the desire to give thanks, the greater will be the blessing he receives during his presentation in prayer, the deeper will be his joy and gladness of spirit, and the more abundantly will God’s grace pour out upon him.” (page 236)

    “When sins are confessed, the good God forgives immediately. But if man is content with that and loses his humble spirit, ‘his last state is worse than the first’, for ‘God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble’” (page 248)

    “In his usual state, fallen man is divided. He thinks something with the intellect, and his heart desires something else, and his senses are attracted to something else…. Through the invocation of the Name, it also happens that the Light that flows from the Name begins to reveal the ‘hideous face’ that man bear within him. Despair envelops him as he discerns the bottomless abyss of perdition that separates him from the holy God, and he has no other way out but to invoke the Name of ‘the only one who is able to save him from eternal death’.” (page 269)

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