Knock, and It Shall Be Opened Unto You


The Lord sows His word in our heart; and if we accept it, we receive the grace of repentance and are reborn in the spirit. The Lord continually sows on earth, whereas we sow in heaven. Every time we pour out our heart with many tears, humility and repentance before the Lord, He marks that hour, that day, with the seal of His grace. And if every day is marked with this divine seal in the hidden mystical Liturgy that we offer to God in our solitude, in the end these marks will swallow up the time of our whole life and make it eternity.

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Our justification is the earnest of our reconciliation with God that we receive from the Spirit of Truth, which we attract when we live and repent truthfully. It is more than a certain sense of peace; it is a wound of the heart, the circumcision of the heart, which the apostle describes as ‘the marks of the Lord Jesus’. That blessed wound of man’s heart witnesses that he belongs entirely to God. All Christians are destined to receive the gift of spiritual adoption when the Holy Spirit continually cries within them ‘Abba, Father.’


The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Man
The Humility of the Incarnate Word and Man’s Striving to Attain the Supranatural Gift of Likeness to Him
The Mystical and Crucified Divine Love
Interpretation of Words of Scripture
Interpretation of Words of Scripture
Spiritual Fatherhood
From Trials to the Day of the Lord
The Mystical Otherness of the Love of Christ
The Bond of Brotherly Love in Christ
The Challenges of Our Times
Relations between Parents and Children
Saints Silouan and Sophrony
Index of Scriptural References

Weight 0.533 kg
Dimensions 21.7 × 16 × 2.3 cm

Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou



Book cover

Hardback Clothbound with Dust Jacket, Paperback




Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist


1st edition

Publication year




About the Author

Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou

Father Zacharias studied theology at the Orthodox Theological Institute of Saint Sergius in Paris and at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has lived all his monastic life in the monastery of Saint John the Baptist in Essex where he serves as a spiritual Father and minister of the word of God to his brethren and the people that come to him. Read more…

Book Sample


  1. Erin Maria (verified owner)

    This book is a prophetic gem and generous offering of theology of the life in Christ in the daily trenches of modern life. If read slowly and prayerfully, these words help lift the spirit to the places where eagles soar and angels dwell, for our life in Christ is a continual process of drawing deeper from the wellspring of His love to render us more capable of keeping the pilot light of His Word continually lit within the deepest reaches of the heart.

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