The Enlargement of the Heart

'Be ye also enlarged' (2 Cor. 6, 13) in the Theology of Saint Silouan the Athonite and Elder Sophrony of Essex


The heart’s opening up to prayer heals man’s personhood. Man’s mind is concentrated in and becomes united with the heart. Thus the heart is enlarged to contain all the fullness of Christ’s love. Consequently, the entire struggle in prayer has as its aim the discovery and conquest of the heart. The way towards achieving this is impeded only by vainglory.

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By means of prayer, the energy of the true God penetrates man’s being and endows him with the strength to strive for the fulfillment of his calling. The longer he remains in prayer, the greater is his resistance to whatever corrupts or hinders the flow of its action. Prayer generates prayer. The work of this striving is sublime and creative, full of wisdom and inspiration, beauty and majesty.

In the heart, which is the place where God’s communion with man is cultivated, the Spirit of God is revealed, operates and prays. The heart’s opening up in prayer heals man’s personhood. Man’s mind is concentrated in, and becomes united with, the heart. Thus the heart is enlarged to contain all the fullness of Christ’s love. Consequently, the entire struggle in prayer has as its aim the discovery and conquest of the heart…




1. St Silouan the Athonite and his disciple the Elder Sophrony
2. Man’s Birth into Eternal Life
3. ‘Keep Thy Mind in Hell and Despair Not’
4. God’s Work of Salvation and Man
5. Prayer – The Way of Creation
6. On the Jesus Prayer
7. Spiritual Fatherhood as a Ministry of Reconciliation Between Man and God
8. The Presentation of Christ that Justified God and Man

On Monasticism I
On Monasticism II

Index of Scriptural References
Index of Names and Subjects

Weight 0.51 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 15 × 2.5 cm

Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou



Book cover

Hardback Clothbound with Dust Jacket




Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist


1st edition

Publication year




About the Author

Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou

Father Zacharias studied theology at the Orthodox Theological Institute of Saint Sergius in Paris and at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has lived all his monastic life in the monastery of Saint John the Baptist in Essex where he serves as a spiritual Father and minister of the word of God to his brethren and the people that come to him. Read more…

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